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Artificial Intelligence is one area I think a lot about。 Clearly, it‘s on the minds of many of my peers as well。 At its core, this technology promises to learn from people individually to benefit us all。 Yet advancing AI by collecting huge personal profiles is laziness, not efficiency。 For Artificial Intelligence to be truly smart, it must respect human values, including privacy.If we get this wrong, the dangers are profound。 We can achieve both great Artificial Intelligence and great privacy standards。 It’s not only a possibility, it is a responsibility.In the pursuit of artificial intelligence, we should not sacrifice the humanity, creativity, and ingenuity that define our human intelligence。 And at Apple, we never will。

科技的潜力植根于人们对它的信仰,根植于它在个人心中激起的乐观和创造力,根植于它使世界变得更美好的承诺和能力。是时候面对现实了。如果没有用户的充分信任和信心,我们永远无法实现技术的真正潜力。At Apple, respect for privacy—and a healthy suspicion of authority—have always been in our bloodstream。 Our first computers were built by misfits, tinkerers, and rebels—not in a laboratory or a board room, but in a suburban garage。 We introduced the Macintosh with a famous TV ad channeling George Orwell‘s 1984—a warning of what can happen when technology becomes a tool of power and loses touch with humanity。

